Youth – The “Vasanta” of Life
H H Maa Purnananda
Founder Chairperson
Sree Guru Swami Chinmayananda Sewa Nidhi ®
Vasanta Ritu has just set in. Nature is colourful with blossoming plant kingdom. Birds, butterflies
and bees enjoy their flights all over the greenery during spring season.One can experience the joy
of nature while wandering through the upright crops in yellow fields of mustard.But, can you enjoy
the world around you if you are not happy from within?
“Youth” is the “Vasanta Ritu” of life. That is the time to explore, experiment and enjoy in life. The
blossoming fresh ideas, unbelievable achievements and progressive growth in your chosen career,
are all possible due to the conducive support of “Vasant” of your life – “youth”.
So,tame your mind with the aid of Hymns and Glory of the Almighty,to bring out your full potential
at this wonderful juncture of life. Join us for upcoming programs and experience it
for yourself!
The Sooktas and Mantras from Vedas are powerful means to drop negative thoughts and to touch
the realm of Spirit which is the very core of our existence. Glory of the Supreme Being, when
experienced in meditation, flows in the Divine language and is called as Stotras. Audio CDs of
some of the major Sooktas, Mantras and Stotras are available at SISS. Help yourself!